In a gentle way, you can shake the world...

Mind Driver

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Sometimes i wonder, what am i?
And i look at myself.
I have this two hands and legs hanging from my body.
I've got hair on my head.
I own a million things on my body.
Well maybe not a million, but somewhere close to that.
And the best part is...
All these are mine. Entirely!
I could move it. Shake it. Twist it. Turn it. Like it. Don't like it. Do everything what i want with it.
This is my world!
Here it's my rules. my desires. my mind.
My mind is the king of my world.
It drives everything like it wants.
I imagine my mind is a car.
Next moment, it analyzes what is the current situation of the reality.
Slow reality?
Any Indian car is enough.
My mind becomes an Indian car and gets even slower.
Here's something funny.. Sometimes when I'm an Indian car, i just fall asleep.
And i imagine if had run out of fuel.. :-)
Not funny?
Well it looks funny to me. So either laugh or shut your Indian car off.
Now.. what was i talking about...
My mind!
So sometimes my mind says...
Dude, it ain't slow anymore!
Then it automatically transforms into a super car.
Ferrari i prefer always. But my mind says no.
It says, its got a horse on it. And my mind doesn't like horses. So.. you know!
So we usually settles with Aston Martin!
And guess what.. it never runs out of fuel!
Don't laugh at it. That's not a joke.
You know you are parking your vehicle at my lot now.
So i tell you when to laugh and when not to laugh.
Okay! Laugh!
So while you are laughing...I'd like to tell you some news!
In 10 seconds you are going to be killed!
You think its a joke?
Wanna count?

Gust'a'day!!!! Introducing Gust'wow'me...

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

New day! Actually my day started the previous night itself. And then i didn't sleep all night.
When the sun rang my eyes through the windows, i was looking myself at the mirror.
Is this a magic mirror? or do i look really this beautiful?
I was trying to figure out on what area this turn around happened.
After my high school, i was once again becoming beauty conscious.
Oh, mama! did i just say that? Err,but i guess that the truth.
An idea struck my mind. Hurray! Right time for an idea.
And around six o clock in the morning, i was ready, wearing fresh clothes, all suited up, looking extreme!
I asked myself, going for a party, huh?
It was a Sunday and i had no places to go. But i knew something is going to happen today. It was calling from inside me. Maybe its already happening.
I walked around the house for a few hours like that and then i decided to visit a bakery.
I wasn't hungry or anything but i made it up. Now I'm hunger. i just wanna go out. Who's gonna stop me? Smile! There was this enormous feeling inside me once i got out coz nobody was suited up in the street like me.
Lot of eyes started falling on me. Big, brown, red, black, blue, small, didn't find any Chinese though.
Gust in the street! I enjoyed. Now here it is, the bakery! I walked in.
Only four chairs in the shop. Interesting!
And there was this one guy enjoying coffee on the first one! i sat on the third chair.
He looked at me! I saw it in his eyes. He thinks I'm a racist. Oh, boy!
Don't open that book. I asked him from my mind. Have you ever looked yourself in a mirror? And you're talking about racism. Hell yeah, I'm a racist, coz you ain't pretty, boy!! And that was the end of that conversation.
I ordered! Then came this third guy. Exactly dressed like me, but in different colors.
Competition, huh? I said to myself, not interested!
He sat in the second chair. Immediately he folded his left leg and put it on his right one. yeah, and his shoes touched my clothes! Dirt! Today is no good day for dirt. Now since you have asked for it, you're gonna get it. I talked inside my mind. And i looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. Uh.oh!
"Do you have an extra pair of these shoes back at home? he said, No!
If you keep doing this again, you'll be forced to buy one."
Then i pulled a gun out of my pocket and shot his both shoes four times. O. O. O. O.
And i saw his shoes are still touching my pants. Nothing happened actually. I was west dreaming!
You better take it away right now. Or i'm gonna... i'm gonna... rip those shoes apart and i will pee on it and will just burn it or throw away into the ocean or may be feed it to a goat!
Oh my god, he's still touching me. That's it! That's it! End of talks. What am i gonna do? What am i gonna do? I peeked into his coffee cup. Only one fourth of the glass left. Okay, thats a good idea. Its just a lil more coffee left. Lets see if he keep doing that even after he finishes that coffee!
If you do that then, hahah... then my friend you are definitely getting it from me. Yes! that's right.
I sat back. Lets wait. I looked into his eyes again. He looked into mine. "That's your last coffee brothaa!"
And i checked my pocket for the gun! Nope, not again. We have been there, not again now!
And then it happened! The fourth one entered. I guessed. Age-Seventy! Dress: T-shirt and trousers. Shades on! Live beard.
He took the fourth seat. He looked at me and gave me a look of, How ye doin today?
Oh no, nothing. I'm just waiting for his coffee to finish!
He began like a macho man. The bakery lady couldn't stop smiling at him. He was ordering ice creams! And he started eating it, polluting his face.
Let that dumb fuck do what he wants. I turned my face around.
What's gonna happen next?
What's gonna happen next?
What's gonna happen next? 
A blast happened! And somebody fell down blasting down the roof.
It was superman! Wearing a blue outfit and a red underwear over it. And then this old ice cream guy turned into a beast and started fighting with him.
They through burgers and snacks at each other. The beast spilled coffee on Superman's underwear. And then superman dipped his head into a huge jar and made a small hole on its top and started filling it with coffee. Now that's a revenge, i said!  Superman smiled.
Next moment the second person turned into a even huger beast. Oh, yeah. I knew it. I have been wanting to kill you like hours before. There he is. No one believed me then. You see what happens when you don't believe a beautiful man.
Hey Superman, here's another beast! Kick his ass for me.
Mean time, the first person ran away stealing a couple of burgers.
Oh, no. He was a thief! Super man, you get this dirty beast. I'll go kick that thief's monkey ass down.
I ran behind him. He saw me. Suddenly he pulled out a burger and started eating while running. Now that's a talented thief. I can't get that burger back now. But i surely can kick your funky ass, you running bitch!
Mean while, the sky turned into yellow. And i saw the thief getting bigger and bigger every time he bit that burger. Oh lord of craziness, this must be the burger beast!
His mouth got bigger and in a glance he ate all the burgers and his head is touching the sky now.
Or maybe just the clouds, but if you can call the clouds as sky, yeah the sky it is.
Mean time the other beast burnt superman's underwear and is on the verge of a victory. Superman went back home, which is thousands of galaxies away to get a new underwear. Now its just me and the three huge beasts. I checked my pocket, but there was no gun. All beasts came towards me. Rounded me like they are on for a war.
Lets talk first you know. This is not how it is done. Where did you lose your manners?
Now tell me how did you do that? Transforming into a beast! Awesome powers! See, he is touching the sky!
And why are we fighting?
Ahoy! Ahoy! Ahoy! All the beasts said at the same time. I smiled. Ahoy!
Dude, you are on a movie set. This is a fight scene going between Justice League & Avengers!
Avengers? You guys are not avengers! You're shit!
Then the real avengers fell from the sky. We're the avengers!
Sweet king of Israel !!
And that's INTERVAL TIME!!!
Don't go anywhere, be right back. The second half will commence in five minutes...

Glow Green

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Glo Green is one of that ideas blown out of a brain to explain the need for saving our nature. Today we celebrate the world environmental day by planting trees and cleaning our Eco system. But still, do we really do that.? Your answer will help you to understand the current situation of the globe. If you look from the top, you can see we’re all this tiny creatures living on the surface of this huge and strange planet,Earth. We live here and die here with a limited amount of natural resources. The human population on this planet is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. We do share this whole big world with every one. But the over consumption of  the non-renewable natural resources has shown us that we won’t be sharing this world too long. We’re experiencing this reflection from nature for our own doings. We learn about saving and conserving in society through out our life. But many of us carelessly forget the simple things that can done to save and conserve our invaluable natural resources. Even at this final moment we might have a single chance to break this down. To bring back our Earth. To save and preserve our needs to survive here for the rest of the time. Maybe its the only thing we could do,Glo green !!
We never forgets to save money for our family and their needs. But,ever felt like saving some air or a glass of water or some other natural resources for our coming generations ?
Save some green by not trying to change the whole world at once, but by starting small and being consistent. We could make this work. And this is our last chance. The people are now slowly realising the importance of green. A steady and consistent work on nature by implementing great ideas will definitely make a difference.
Most of the house hold items we throw out every day is a big threat to our future resources. Most of the electronics items spreads chemicals into the soil around it where our food grows. And that is more than enough to contaminate the fresh underwater storage. And this could all be avoided by the idea of recycling. The recycling can be done with those garbage items that comes out of your house every day. A simple Aluminum Can can save electricity to run a TV for six hours by recycling and every ton of paper that is recycled, you save 7000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil, and enough electricity to power an average house for next six months.  The first step that we should go along with is stop throwing away wastes and to dispose it in a proper way to save a bit of air. By reducing the consumption and usage of natural resources you can reduce the impact on natural environment and hence also decreases the amount of waste.
The world here is still small to see how the life of living beings here are synced to each other. From animals to humans,we all are connected together in this small world. when we do something here, it will definitely affect on others living on other parts of the world. The buildings they built  in Japan can affect the joy of living in China. Wastes we use here can reflect on some other peoples living on some other part of the world. But we do have the power to control our choices and there fore every simple good choices you make, have a global impact. If it is good then you can be a hero and if its bad, then you’re ruining my world. The idea of Glow Green is not just saving some trees but also we encourage on embracing a greener life style by improving your health and thereby the quality of living by using green products for daily needs.
The third step to reduce the impact on environment can be done by optimizing the consumption of energy. By turning off the lights, fans and other household electronic items whenever its not really needed, this could save a large amount of energy for our future. Use cheap energy consuming items always to save some more energy.
The fourth step to take to reduce the impact on environment is to reduce the oil consumption and pollution. By using a fuel efficient car and by driving efficiently you can save a lot of gas for our future. But pollution is a main cause of damage that we’re experiencing today. Due to the huge amount of smokes coming out from vehicles, factories and other industries. Life has reached a new end with the infected smokes spreading to the atmosphere and there by resulting in depletion of ozone layers, which saves us from the dangerous UV rays from sun. The average temperature of the earth is increasing day by day due to increasing concentration of green house gases spread into the atmosphere and deforestation. This situation which results a hike in average temperature is called as Global Warming. If the system will continue like this, then Global warming can cause rise in sea levels by melting the ice bergs into water. Extreme weather conditions are also expected on different parts of the world. To over come this dangerous growth in temperature a protocol has been proposed and signed by 187 states  around the globe, where the protocol responses to reduce emissions, and to remove the green house gases from the atmosphere. A real difference in this increasing temperature can be done only if each one of us are standing for each other. Start walking for your needs to reduce the usage of vehicles and thereby you can save some fuels for future, also can bring a huge change in pollution, and most importantly by walking everyday you health will also be improved.
The fifth step to reduce the impact on environment can be done by reusing the things we used already. But with a little creative approach. If you got a problem in being creative then here are some ideas. You can use the old plastic containers to store your food. Papers can be used as wrapping papers. Envelopes can be reused by placing a new label on address. Get plastic bags for your uses, and there by reusing it, a little threat to our community can be removed.
Glow Green intends to make you aware of our interconnectedness with the world. By understanding that, we can reduce the unintended damage that we already did to this nature. The idea of environmental responsibility should become a reality. Every humans should stand along for our common needs,to save this nature at least on this day. If you can plant out a tree today, then you are helping a lot of humans and animals that are connected to the Eco system. Think globally and act locally to save this world. We all are chosen ones and lets hold our hands together to perform our duty. The time to act is now !