In a gentle way, you can shake the world...

Mind Driver

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Sometimes i wonder, what am i?
And i look at myself.
I have this two hands and legs hanging from my body.
I've got hair on my head.
I own a million things on my body.
Well maybe not a million, but somewhere close to that.
And the best part is...
All these are mine. Entirely!
I could move it. Shake it. Twist it. Turn it. Like it. Don't like it. Do everything what i want with it.
This is my world!
Here it's my rules. my desires. my mind.
My mind is the king of my world.
It drives everything like it wants.
I imagine my mind is a car.
Next moment, it analyzes what is the current situation of the reality.
Slow reality?
Any Indian car is enough.
My mind becomes an Indian car and gets even slower.
Here's something funny.. Sometimes when I'm an Indian car, i just fall asleep.
And i imagine if had run out of fuel.. :-)
Not funny?
Well it looks funny to me. So either laugh or shut your Indian car off.
Now.. what was i talking about...
My mind!
So sometimes my mind says...
Dude, it ain't slow anymore!
Then it automatically transforms into a super car.
Ferrari i prefer always. But my mind says no.
It says, its got a horse on it. And my mind doesn't like horses. So.. you know!
So we usually settles with Aston Martin!
And guess what.. it never runs out of fuel!
Don't laugh at it. That's not a joke.
You know you are parking your vehicle at my lot now.
So i tell you when to laugh and when not to laugh.
Okay! Laugh!
So while you are laughing...I'd like to tell you some news!
In 10 seconds you are going to be killed!
You think its a joke?
Wanna count?


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